What happens now?
We can arrange a phone call to discuss various care options and provide you with an answer to your queries. An appointment can then be arranged, when you can view the care facility and meet key staff and residents. We are there to help every step of the way to make you feel comfortable and supported.
All our rooms are dual purpose which means they can accommodate either a rest home or a hospital level resident. In other words, should your care needs change over the course of your stay with us, you can remain in the room.
When you have been assessed as requiring long-term residential care, Golden View Care can meet your needs.
Everyone’s situation is a little different, but this outlines the main steps you will need to take to access the services of long-term residential care and to be assessed for funding support to do so if that is required.
Assessment with your local Needs Assessment Service Coordination
All residents in the care facility require an assessment by our local Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) agency. You can find them by checking the list on the Ministry of Health website or phone the local District Health Board. Or you can ask your family member, doctor, hospital, social worker or other health provider to help you make a needs assessment appointment.
If your assessment does not meet the requirements of residential care you may like to look at our apartments. Here we can also offer assisted living.
After your NASC assessment is completed, you will be required to complete your asset level assessment with WINZ to determine if you are eligible to receive government funding (the residential-care subsidy). Your needs assessor will give you the Residential Care Subsidy application forms. It is important to complete this process promptly, you’ll need to return them within 90 days of the date you want the subsidy to start. Our facility has a mix of standard, superior and premium rooms therefore you may also pay a private contribution even if you receive a full subsidy.
Everyone’s circumstances and eligibility criteria are different. There are helpful brochures and booklets published by the Ministry of Health and Work and Income for you to read or contact the Work and Income Residential Care Subsidy on 0800 999 727. We are happy for you to contact us for more information or we can point you in the right direction.
Click here for our HealthCERT and audit report.